Curriculum Offer
As an Independent School, King Edwin School upholds the Independent School Standards (using the latest guidance from April 2019). We deliver a curriculum which gives pupils experience in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical and aesthetic and creative education. We design our curriculum to ensure that our students can move onto the most appropriate next steps when they reach post 16, and to take into account the very individual needs of each of our students, as detailed within their individual Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Below is an example of the curriculum offer available to students within the school, although we have had to adjust somewhat within the current year due to COVID and focus on helping our students to make up for some lost time.
Curriculum Intent- we aim to ensure that all of our students can access the most appropriate and challenging programme, which is well matched to their social, emotional and mental health needs. We aim to ensure that our students can access and maintain appropriate next steps education or training when they have completed their time with us. We base all of our programmes on the appropriate frameworks for example the requirements of the Independent School Standards, adapting national curriculum to ensure that students can achieve the high expectations we set for them, and linked to their academic and social needs. For more information please see our curriculum policy.
Curriculum Implementation- all of our students have an individual programme designed for them when they join our school. The components are devised from the curriculum topics below. As we continue to develop in capacity, we will continue to add to the range of qualifications and experiences on offer to ensure that we can be even more flexible with our students.
Curriculum Impact
- We provide more young people with opportunities to sit qualifications including GCSEs than other SEN provision or alternative provision (based on comparing school performance tables looking at entries for English, maths and progress/attainment 8).
- The vast majority of our young people are aiming to access mainstream next steps, and some are able to do so without exceptional levels of support due to the progress they make whilst at King Edwin.
- 96% of our students made progress towards their EHCP outcomes in 2020-21 and 81% of those made good progress. This is improved against 2019/20.
| 23/24 | 22/23 | 18/19 | |
Year 11/12 GCSE results |
| |
Entries | 50 | 66 | 20 | |
1-9 pass | 45 | 56 | 12 | |
1-9 pass rate | 96% | 96% | 60% | |
4+ pass | 20% | 15% | 0% | |
| ||||
All GCSE results |
| |
Entries | 88 | 86 |
| |
1-9 pass | 77 | 75 |
| |
1-9 pass rate | 88% | 87% |
| |
4+ pass rate | 16% | 16% |
Headline commentary
2024 leavers;
There were 24 year 11/12 leavers this academic year.
The number of entries has gone down due to switching vocational qualifications to BTEC.
The overall pass rate is the same as last year @96%, but the percentage of students achieving a grade 4+ has gone up to 20% (+5% points)
All entries;
Similar numbers of students were entered with similar 1-9 and 4+ pass rates.
Core Subjects
Maths | English | Science | |||||||
| 23/24 | 22/23 | 18/19 | 23/24 | 22/23 | 18/19 | 23/24 | 22/23 | |
Year 11/12 results |
| |
Entries | 15 | 17 | 8 | 19 | 20 | 10 | 12 | 15 | |
1-9 pass | 12 | 14 | 4 | 18 | 17 | 7 | 11 | 14 | |
1-9 pass rate | 80% | 82% | 50% | 95% | 85% | 70% | 92% | 93% | |
4+ pass | 33% | 18% | 0% | 21% | 5% | 0% | 8% | 13% | |
All GCSE results |
| |
Entries | 23 | 22 |
| 28 | 25 |
| 21 | 20 | |
1-9 pass | 20 | 19 | 26 | 22 | 19 | 19 | |||
1-9 pass rate | 87% | 86% |
| 93% | 88% |
| 90% | 95% | |
Overall 4+ pass rate | 33% | 19% |
| 17% | 8% |
| 11% | 11% |
Year 11/12;
The 1-9 pass rate is similar to last year with 3 students who did not achieve their GCSE, the same number as last year.
There has been a slight decrease (15+ % points) in 4+ grades
All GCSE results;
The 1-9 pass rate is similar to last year, but the 4+ rate has increased significantly (14% points). All year 10 entries passed, with 2 grade 4+
Year 11/12;
The 1-9 pass rate has increased 10% points to 95%, with only 1 student not achieving.
There has been a significant improvement (16+ % points) in 4+ grades
All GCSE results;
The 1-9 pass rate has increased 5% points to 93% and the 4+ rate has increased by 9% points
Year 11/12;
The 1-9 pass rate is similar to last year with only 1 student who did not achieve their GCSE, the same number as last year.
There has been a significant improvement (-5+ % points) in 4+ grades
All GCSE results;
There has been a slight drop in the overall pass rate (-5% points) which equates to 2 students not achieving, however the level of 4+ grades has remained stable.
Our curriculum is personalised for every student. We have students who are looking to achieve as many as 8 GCSEs and we also have students who are on a pathway to achieve vocational and functional skills qualifications. We assess every child's curriculum path on entry to school, and update annually as they make progress. Below are examples of how qualifications are used and the different routes or paths on offer at subject level. Each student will have their own compiled programme which makes up their learning offer.
Subject or area | Qualification (if applicable) | Who for? |
English | GCSE and/or Functional Skills | All students follow an English curriculum KS3 students (Ys 7-9) follow DFE National Curriculum guidance as a basis but follow GCSE preparation in English (ELC/Functional skills) KS4 (Y10-11) students following accredited GCSE and/or Functional Skills in English Any students for whom English is an additional language follow 'English My Way' curriculum and functional skills. |
Maths | GCSE and/or Functional Skills | All students follow a Maths curriculum KS3 students (Y7-9) follow DFE National Curriculum guidance but follow GCSE preparation in Maths (ELC) KS4 (Y10-11) students follow accredited GCSE and/or maths Functional Skills |
Science | GCSE Physics or Biology | All students follow a Science curriculum KS3 students (Y7-9) follow DFE National Curriculum guidance (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) KS4 (Y10-11) students follow accredited GCSE Biology or Physics |
Art | GCSE Art | All students follow an Art curriculum Lower school and middle school (primarily) KS3 students (Y7-9) build skills for developing into accreditation in Y10/11 KS4 students who opt for this follow accredited GCSE Art and Design |
Physical Education | NCFE Sport and Fitness | All students follow a PE curriculum KS3 students (Y7-9) follow DFE guidance where appropriate KS4 (Y10-11) students may follow an accredited NCFE Certificate in Sport and Fitness. PE is used to enhance and support students' physical development such as fine and gross motor skills, self regulation etc. |
Human and social aspects | Qualifications available to individual students | Students in lower school follow a humanities curriculum. Students in middle school access this area via projects and themes delivered in tutors groups, and this is the case in upper school, alongside access to humanities based GCSEs where appropriate. |
Social Learning/EHCP focused social skills development activity | Duke of Edinburgh (Bronze or Silver) EHCP targets progress Responsibility Tutorial Project | All students follow a Social Learning curriculum, in support of achieving their EHCP targets. This comprises activity such as outward bound expeditions, whole school sport, social learning afternoons, project time which includes student chosen options such as needlework and animal welfare awareness. Selected students (Y10 and 11) will also complete their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. |
Vocational Studies | NOCN Vocational Studies (Motor Vehicle or Animal care) | Students requiring a differentiated provision will study English, maths and vocational studies. |
Technological studies | Qualifications available for students with this area of interest as part of their individual curriculum. | All students access technology and learn technological skills and safe use of IT, and the skills to interact with and use technology are integrated into their curriculum. |
Tutorial | None (EHCP progress), personal development | All students are allocated a personal tutor, who is responsible for supporting student progress towards personal EHCP targets. Weekly tutorial sessions are used to monitor progress towards this. All students are allocated a personal tutor, who is responsible for supporting student progress towards personal EHCP targets. Weekly tutorial sessions are used to monitor progress towards this. Tutorial is also where we cover areas such as Social Moral, Cultural and Spiritual learning (SMSC) and Relationships, sex and health education. |
ESOL | For students for whom English is not their first language, we will provide a specialist ESOL based curriculum where required. | At the current time 100% of students are able to successully access the curriculum in English. |
Flexible qualifications | Students are able to access additional qualifications to suit their needs and abilities such as Health and Social Care, Construction, and more. | |
Reading and writing | All students have a weekly reading slot where they are supported to read (and hopefully enjoy) a range of texts and work on handwriting and spelling. We use Mini Wondle as our Phonics package, delivering phonic interventions to any age pupil based on the outcome of a phonics screener. |